First Edition D&D was published 1974 as a box set with only a few elements we know in todays games. First off there was only four races (Human, Dwarf, Elf and Hobbit). with those there was only three classes (Fighter-man, Magic-user, and Cleric) no joke thoose were the names, anyway when the table top game relesed the comunity was assumed to play the miniature war game
Chainmail to undrstand how to use the combat system that the game played with. But eventually there was a new sole combat system made in later game versions. There was a flaw in the rules because there was no overview of the game so it was difficult to know how to play the game without prior knowledge on how it was supposed to work.
Then they came out with an update (Gray Hawk) which removed the
Chainmail rules and made it much easier for new players to grasp the consept of the game, which also added a growth of competing publishers. Players that understood the rules before knew how to play this vesion because the rules were simplified.
THere were many more updates to relese such as ( GreyHawk, Blackmoor, Eldritch Wizardry and Gods, Demi-Gods & Heroes.) Published over the next two years, expanded th rules to more options. Characters, Classes, Monsters and Spells.